Trekkers Clear 29.88 kgs of Polluting Waste from Brahmatal Trek in Jus...

Trekkers Clear 29.88 kgs of Polluting Waste from Brahmatal Trek in Just 20 Minutes!

Category News

By Prathyusha Ramesh


Our team of trekkers on the Brahmatal Trek in December collected an alarming 29.88 kgs of waste in just 20 minutes. Trek Leader Amit, who was leading the group, was shocked to find such a large amount of waste in a place known for its natural beauty.

Amit says, “During the briefing, I suggested to my team members that since we had successfully completed the trek and had a smooth experience, with no safety or climate issues, the least we could do was clean up as much waste as possible. We need to give back to the mountains that gave us such a wonderful experience.”

low-preview-A littered area with a lot of trash at the Brahmatal camp site before the cleanup. Photo by Amit Gupta.A littered area with a lot of trash at the Brahmatal camp site before the cleanup. Photo by Amit Gupta.

Before and after: A littered area at the Brahmatal camp site before the cleanup effort by the trekkers!

Inspired by Amit’s reasoning, the team came together and got into action immediately. In such a short amount of time, they were able to remove almost 30 kgs of waste, making the area much cleaner and returning it to its original state.

As trekking enthusiasts, let’s together make an effort to leave the mountains better than we found them!

low-preview-A cleaned up area at the Brahmatal camp site, after the efforts of trekkers. Photo by Amit Gupta.A cleaned up area at the Brahmatal camp site, after the efforts of trekkers. Photo by Amit Gupta.

The aftermath: A cleaner and pristine Brahmatal camp site after the trekkers' efforts!

What practices do you follow to leave the mountains in a better condition than you find them? Tell us in the comments! 

Prathyusha Ramesh

Part Time Content Writer

About the author

Prathyusha is a psychology graduate and a freelance content writer.

Prathyusha has a keen interest in the intersection of writing, psychology, and sustainability resonating deeply with The Green Tails initiative.

Apart from work, Prathyusha loves to read, write, trek, and research various topics that fall under the social sector.