Find Out What New Green Ideas Jaubhari Has This Summer
Find Out What New Green Ideas Jaubhari Has This Summer
Category Green Trails Impact Reports Green Trails
By Neha Satheesan
Our folks at Jaubhari are stepping into unchartered territory. June has been a month of new ideas and new learnings.
Our Green Trails Fellow Shivaprasad is a vermi-compost specialist. He was quick to spot that Jaubhari was a place with a lot of earthworms. This meant a lot of composting potential!
Our team used cow dung and pee to make the first batch. As we go high up in altitude, the rate of degradation of organic waste decreases, so the worms can be used to fasten the process of degradation.
If we are successful, the team intends to teach the new composting process to the local families in the Jaubhari households.
Locals teach Green Trails
What we love at Green Trails is when the teaching and learning is two way.
Our team happened to meet students from the Maneybhanjyang school who were happy to teach the upcycling methods they practice. They weave plastic into baskets that can be used in homes and schools. The process is rather difficult but our team has been diligently going every week to become skillful.
We were also pleasantly surprised by this bottle brick installation made by the local tattoo artists in Maneybhanjyang.
West Bengal Bhutia Development Board is a local NGO that aims at spreading environmental awareness in the region. They focus on waste management and upcycling processes.
They approached Green Trails seeking guidance on waste management. We hope to work on a number of different projects with them including monthly garbage pick-up on the trail and subsidising cloth bags as an alternative to polythene.
Last week we joined hands with their team and locals to conduct a plantation drive.
Green Trails in local schools
The team currently goes to five schools in the region to teach students about environmental management.
So far, the focus has been on teaching proper waste disposal methods and recycling techniques.
We have also been conducting eco-club sessions where we conduct upcycling activities. The students are extremely responsive and quick to learn.
We are expecting a lot of exciting news next week. There is a meeting with the Board Development Officer and our team hopes to collaborate to better enforce sustainable measures.
Look out for our updates next week! Meanwhile, click the below image to follow us on Instagram to get regular updates.
What you should do now
1. If you want to work as a Green Trails Fellow: Read this article to learn more about it.
2. If you want to work with us: Head over to our careers page. We have lots of positions open. We also have lots of applications coming in. So the sooner you apply, the better.
3. If you ended up here by chance and were actually looking for treks to do: Then head over to our upcoming treks page. You’ll find all our Himalayan treks there.
4. If you want to see the 13 best treks of India: Then get our guide here.
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