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Flashback to the mysterious Prashar Lake

Flashback to the mysterious Prashar Lake

Category Trekker Space

By Mahabaleshwara BL


With no vacation days left on his work calendar, Mahabaleshwara B L needed a break and he needed one desperately. So he looked for quick weekend get aways from Gurgaon. Imagine his delight when he stumbled on the Indiahikes page with a weekend trek to Prashar lake!

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Here in this picture is a beautiful view of the Prashar lake from the north side. The mysterious floating island teeming with bizzare legends is a sight to see. In winter, the lake freezes and the entire region gets covered in snow. PC: Mahabaleshwara

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Mahabaleshwara BL

About the author

An Engineer by education and a Project Management Professional by experience. Mahabaleshwara's passion lies in capturing nature at it's best. Working for World Food Company, he finds time for travel and photography. He recently went on the Prashar Lake trek in Himachal Pradesh.