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How much do you know about Himalayan River Confluences?

How much do you know about Himalayan River Confluences?

Category Crosswords Trekker Space

By Sneha Rao


The rivers from the Himalayas start off as glacial melt or emerge as streams from the earth. Many of them merge into bigger rivers that flow on to the plains before eventually joining the sea. The bigger rivers are usually better known than their tributaries. The confluence of many of these rivers have religious significance. Others have developed into trading towns because they provide a place to converge for the people living along these rivers.

Take this quiz to see how much you know about the confluences of Himalayan rivers.

Difficulty level: Easy

The winner for this week’s crossword will be chosen at random out of all those who solve this correctly.

We’re giving away a custom-made full-brimmed trekking hat to the winner!

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Here is the solution to last week’s crossword (Do you know how Climate Change is affecting the Himalayas?) –

There is no winner for last week’s crossword.

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Sneha Rao

About the author

Sneha is an erstwhile HR professional from Bangalore, now living in Mumbai. She has trekked several trails in Uttarakhand, Karnataka, Kerala and Meghalaya. She holds the Green Trails idea close to her heart and enjoys researching and writing about the environment.