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How trekking helped Mrunal become better at handling uncertainty when ...

How trekking helped Mrunal become better at handling uncertainty when he least expected it! 

Category Transformation Stories Trekker Space

By Prathyusha Ramesh


Mrunal is an engineering graduate and is currently working in a start-up company. He went to the Deoriatal Chandrashila trek this year. Mrunal shared about his experience, the changes he has observed in himself after the trek, and the effects of walking in the mountain. 

“Ever since 2015, I have wanted to visit Kailash Manasarovar. However, every year something happened and I couldn't really go. I was very disappointed when I came to know that the government was not opening it this year as well. 

That’s when I contacted my cousin who had also started trekking last year. We went on many one-day treks in and around Bangalore and my cousin came up with the idea of trekking with Indiahikes. We did not want all our physical training and efforts to go to waste, so we picked an easy-moderate trek. 

The entire trek was full of warm memories and beautiful scenery. The fact that there was no hitch throughout the journey, and how the trek leader recounted many folklores helped me connect with the mountains. 

Mrunal posing for the camera

Like every other person, I enjoyed the serene atmosphere, the calm, the beauty, and everything that came with the trails. But when we returned from the trek, our trek leader Rishi asked us - “how did this trek change you?” That’s when I went blank. 

Although I thought a lot about it, I couldn't really realize what had changed yet. I kept wondering about it, but I soon returned home and things had gone back to normal. What really had changed? 

I started going to the office and as soon as work began, it hit me. I started noticing visible changes in how I thought and handled situations. At work, I was always very anxious about the uncertainty. If a big event was planned one week down the line, I would worry for weeks. How would the event go? What direction would it take? How will it turn out in the end? I drowned in these questions. 

Mrunal during the Deoriatal Chandrashila trek

My major problem at work was this: I'm the manager and lead a very lean team. My team’s work is only headed by 16 people and if one person leaves there will be a lot of load on me and other members. And before the trek,  it was likely that one or two people would end up leaving. 

Ironically, when I came back from the trek, one person had actually resigned. If it had been before the trek, I would overthink without a break. I would think 100 of things and find ways to prevent employees from leaving the job. Yet, when I came back, my thinking patterns and reactions had changed completely. 

I was very calm and handled the situation with ease. The negative thoughts did not come to my mind. I told myself, “he has resigned, so now let me see what I can do.” I assessed the situation very calmly and that was when it struck me that the trek had taught me how to cope with uncertainty from a different perspective. 

Now, I no longer worry about things that I cannot control. I take the challenges as and when they come. What will happen, will happen. 

The thought process that, “whatever happens, happens for good,” came to me naturally. I did not force it on myself, but it happened right after the trek. 

Sometimes, good things will come when you least expect it. And that’s why, I have decided to continue my journey with trekking. I have fallen in love and there’s no going back! 

Mrunal enjoying the mountain views

5b4a3e14 92e5 4df4 9d4a f3eb30c596a1 pratyusha   content   part time writer

Prathyusha Ramesh

Part Time Content Writer

About the author

Prathyusha is a psychology graduate and a freelance content writer.

Prathyusha has a keen interest in the intersection of writing, psychology, and sustainability resonating deeply with The Green Tails initiative.

Apart from work, Prathyusha loves to read, write, trek, and research various topics that fall under the social sector.