Instagram #IHTimelapse Contest - Results out!

Instagram #IHTimelapse Contest - Results out!

Category Photo Contest

By Nikshep Trinetra


This holiday season, we hosted a contest on Instagram to find the best time-lapses. We got spectacular entries that captured treks in their entirety. It was hard to zero down to just one winner, but here it is! We have also included some special mentions below.

The entries were judged based on the following criteria:

  • Quality of the video and other technical aspects such as exposure, contrast and light.
  • Composition of the scenes.
  • The backstory in the caption.
  • The story of the time-lapse.


We liked Ashish’s #IHTimelapse entry because it has been very thoughtfully put together. It showcases several sections of the Roopkund trek. Watch out for the shots of snowscape towards Junargali and of the sunset! Congratulations Ashish Chopra! You have won yourself a Mountain Lover’s Gold Calendar of 2017! We hope it inspires you to go on many more treks!

In the cradle of Mount Trishul at an altitude of 4785 meters,lies the high altitude glacial lake of Roopkund. Owing to its accessibility and the views of Trishul and Nanda Ghunti from the Junargali top, it is a favourite among trekkers. It is worth every step taken, for the reward lies not only in reaching the lake, but the journey to it as well. Passing through high altitude meadows of Ali and Bedni Bugyal, the trek is one of the rarest to offer everything in a single package. #ihtimelapse #roopkund #junargali #timelesshimalayas #emtybagfilms @indiahikes

A post shared by Ashish Chopra (@ashishchopra778) on Dec 29, 2016 at 5:00am PST


1st Runner up

This entry by Rahul Dutta from Sandakphu has left us mesmerised. Watch it until the end to know what magic we’re talking about.

There's a famous saying 'Morning shows the day'. The way our journey for Maneybhanjan started made us have serious back up plans given that weather updates which were coming in was not at all pleasant. We started our trek from Maneybhanjan with drizzles which just went on to cats and dogs by the time we have reached Sandakphu.The day we were supposed to trek the longest around 21 kms from Sandakphu to Phalut our guide suggested we should either wait or start going down towards Gurdum. We were so frustrated by then we just wanted the trek to finish ASAP. After countless approaches to the local Land Rover drivers which is the only mode of transportation there one of the guys was ready to take us till Sabarkum which 14 kms from Sandakphu.All I can recall about that car ride is the no of bruises on my head


2nd Runner Up

We just had to feature this timelapse shot by Jivesh Marfatia here. We think it looks like mountains tumbling about in a washing machine. It let’s your imagination run wild!

@indiahikes #ihtimelapse It was 5 pm in November at 14300 at sunderdunga glacier and I along with my guide just reached the meggi point(that's what we called this place, cuz we had only meggi noodles for dinner) and we decided in stay in stone hut that was there instead of tent. We made soup for ourselves to beat the cold. And suddenly the fog and clouds started coming in and that's when I started capturing my timelapse video looking at the great mountain panwali dwar. There was no glimpse of human presence in miles. It felt like I found God's drawing book. And panwali dwar playing hide and seek there. WHAT A DAY ! I was just stunned looking at it and sipping hot soup in cold evening! WHAT A DAY!

A post shared by Jivesh Marfatia (@jiveshmarfatia) on Dec 30, 2016 at 9:11am PST

Nikshep Trinetra

About the author

Nikshep Trinetra is a Chemical engineering student at NITK Suratkal. A climbing and trekking enthusiast, he is a Green Trails crusader with Indiahikes.