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Snow on Pin Bhaba Pass trek, but possible to cross the pass: Latest Re...

Snow on Pin Bhaba Pass trek, but possible to cross the pass: Latest Recce Report

Category News

On July 1-2, 2023, our team conducted a recce of the Pin Bhaba Pass trek to gauge the amount of snow on the trail. They’re back with great news! 

“Even though there is a good amount of snow at the pass and then till Mangrungse, conditions are good for our trekkers to do the trek safely,” reports Trek Leader Lay Naik from the recce. 

This is reassuring. 

We had taken the decision to push back dates for the Pin Bhaba Pass trek by two weeks to avoid excessive snow on the trail. Too much snow makes pass-crossing riskier. Post-poning the dates worked. As per the recce-report, it is possible to safely cross the pass now. 

Apart from snow, Lay witnessed tiny flowers blooming in the Bhaba Valley. He also encountered vibrantly coloured rocks of the Pin Valley. 

“Each stone was tinged in a different colour. I was in awe!” Lay shares in his detailed report. 

This recce indicates a promising start to the season. Our first group to Pin Bhaba Pass is all set to start on July 7.

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