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Minchukallu Betta Trek

The lightning hill trek

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350c9b20 7568 4392 a981 14fa7770a3a7 trek difficulty icon



4902f37f 15b9 4b5d ace9 ad71d477a4e9 trek duration icon


2 days

9070f8ca a204 4aa6 aba9 064ba034c404 trek starts from icon %281%29



Minchukallu betta is a massive hill, located around 85 km from Bangalore. Not so popular among trekkers, this was once a three-stage fortified hill. The ruins of the fort wall and temple are some wonders to think about when you are trekking here.

The trek starts from Masanipalya village, 18 km away from Tumkur. You can also approach the hilllock from Hoskote of Tumkur region. The hill looks like a perfectly carved hemisphere from Hoskote. From Masanipalya village, the stepped multilayered hillock is a great sight for the start of your adventure.

Minchukallu trek, also called Minchukallu by locals, takes you through many different trails. For a short trek, the surprises that it takes you through in the first 1 km is unpredictable. During monsoon, you’ll get to see many pretty streams along the way. You’ll even have to walk in the water canal to reach the base!

Minchukallu Betta - Complete Trek Information

We have always wanted trekkers to be well-informed before they go on a Himalayan trek. Knowledge is the difference between a safe trek and a dangerous one. It’s also the difference between a wholesome experience and a surficial experience.

Use this section to learn about the Indiahikes Southern Campus trek. It has in-depth information about each day of the trek, what to expect, and how you need to prepare for it. Many years of expertise have gone into this content. Don’t miss the 'Frequently Asked Questions' section at the end. Trekkers find that extremely useful.

Indiahikes Southern Campus Videos

Trek Focus

Highlights from Minchukallu Betta Trek

What are the highlights from Minchukallu Betta Trek

1. Stunning views from the peak

The view from the peak of Minchukallu betta is spectacular, to say the least. You’ll get a bird’s eye view of Masanipalya village from here.

For a short 2 km hike, the pretty views you get from the hilltop are quite rewarding.

You get the panoramic views of surrounding hills such as Masanipalya hill, Hoskote Thimappa betta, biodiversity hotspot Devarayanadurga and the neighbouring Jenukallu Gudda. You also get an aerial view of the Hoskote lake surrounded by foothills of massive rocky hills.

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2. Exploring and the Thrill of Climbing the Granite Rock

The trek of Minchukallu Betta is most suited for trekkers who are keen on exploring the different aspects of the broken ruins of the fort, the physical features of the rock, and having a sense of adventure.

Since the trail is not marked, you can end up exploring different entry points towards the top of the hillock.

Apart from these, there is a temple near the top. You’ll also find a check dam on the summit. There is a watchpoint from where you get the best views of the neighbouring hills and villages.

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3. Walk from Masanipalya to Minchukallu Base

The walk from Masanipalya village to Minchukallu base is a pleasant one. Along the way, you get views of the massive hills on both sides. During monsoon, this trail will be in full bloom and you’ll get to witness a riot of colours.

The surprises on this trek in terms of change of scenery are something you rarely get to witness in other short treks.

It takes you through a mud road initially, then the valley, then through a water canal and at last, an areca nut farm to reach the base. 

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