Trekkers reach Manali from Chandigarh in 8 hours!
Trekkers are now finding it much easier to reach Manali. As per the latest updates, buses are able to travel directly to Raison, a village merely an hour away from Manali. From Raison, there are HSRTC buses every half an hour going towards Manali.
Even private buses from Delhi have started plying till Raison.
“The travel has become much smoother now. Every day, we see more trekkers travelling to Manali for their treks,” says Caroline Mathew, Experience Coordinator for Bhrigu Lake and Hampta Pass treks.
This improvement is enabling many trekkers to reach Manali for their upcoming treks. As a result, group sizes, which were dwindling to 5-6 trekkers are now increasing to a healthy 12-15 trekkers.
Trekkers are regularly sending in updates, sharing details of their journey till Manali. We’ll keep updating these details here.
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