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How Navya realized the importance of sustainability through Trekking 

How Navya realized the importance of sustainability through Trekking 

Category Transformation Stories Trekker Space

By Prathyusha Ramesh


In the beginning, Trekking was not really Navya’s cup of tea. However, inspiring stories sparked a curiosity in her, and Navya Ranthan Kharak asked her friends to tag along with her for her second trek with Indiahikes. 

She shares, “Trekking this time came with many reflections and learnings. I met my team on the first day, and all 18 immediately bonded. During the trek, surrounded by the vast mountains and stark paths, I contemplated many things. And these thoughts really seemed to bother me. 

I thought - as a yoga teacher and dancer, I meet many different people every day. I perform dance regularly, and over 60 dance shows happen in a year. However, we use more than 10 wet tissues in every show to remove or correct the makeup. There is so much waste after every show. Do I really want that? 

I kept trekking while the thoughts burned my head. Being with nature changed so many things for me. Wet tissues were just one example: we used them because it was easy to access, but we didn’t think about the repercussions.

As I drew parallels between the mountains and my regular life, I started reflecting on things like sustainability and social interactions - which are vastly important in my career. I cared about cleaning the mountains and listened keenly to nature’s sounds. But how sustainable am I during the dance shows? Am I actively listening to my students and the audience? 

Navya enjoying the sceneries

Trekking changed my perception of these two aspects. It was not just trekking for me; I learned the importance of sustainability. After returning from the trek, I became more conscious of my choices. Whether social or environmental, I have become a better decision-maker. 

Every time I step out of the house, I carry my own bag, so I don’t have to ask for a plastic cover from the vendors. I have implemented many sustainable measures in my dancing career. I try to avoid packed food for at least a short time. 

Somehow along the trek, the Indiahikes team became my family and helped me realize a lot of small yet meaningful factors. I learned to accept situations and gained clarity on what I want to do in life. My takeaways changed my life for the better. Whenever I decide on something, I ask myself: Is it essential? Is this what I want? Trekking taught me how to question myself and the choices I make. 

After experiencing the rewarding changes first-hand, I have decided to take more people with me every time I trek. Like how I got the chance to sit there and reflect on my environmental habits, I want my loved ones to experience that revelation too.

Navya hugging the trek leader in gratitude

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Prathyusha Ramesh

Part Time Content Writer

About the author

Prathyusha is a psychology graduate and a freelance content writer.

Prathyusha has a keen interest in the intersection of writing, psychology, and sustainability resonating deeply with The Green Tails initiative.

Apart from work, Prathyusha loves to read, write, trek, and research various topics that fall under the social sector.