Indiahikes Camp In-Charges Undergo Intense Training to Enhance Life of...
Indiahikes Camp In-Charges Undergo Intense Training to Enhance Life of Trekking Equipment
Category News
By Latika Payak
Oct 28, 4.00 p.m.: 23 Team Members across various divisions of Indiahikes underwent an intense training to shift the way we look equipment and store management at Indiahikes. This training was conducted by Operations Manager Ravi Ranjan at Sari (Uttarakhand).
"This training empowers our camp in-charges and store managers to play a pivotal role in maintaining equipment quality on treks, thereby enhancing their life and efficiency," Ravi shares.
Store Managers from various divisions like equipment, rentals and ration attended this training. So the direct impact of this training will be on the experience of an Indiahikes trekker.
Extending the efficiency and life of equipment also makes trekking more sustainable in our country. The same goes for storing and usage of ration. And the team at the base plays a crucial role in this.
This training aimed to create an impact precisely in this area.
"After the training, I see a future where the ground team takes a greater ownership of their work. The next five months are going to be a litmus test on our performance. I am quite hopeful though," Ravi says.
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