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Instagram 20k Photo Story Contest - Win a trek to Bhrigu Lake!

Instagram 20k Photo Story Contest - Win a trek to Bhrigu Lake!

Category Photo Contest

By Nikshep Trinetra


On hitting 20,000 followers on Instagram, we’re hosting a Photo Story contest on Instagram. The goal is to recognize the best trek stories told through a series of still images. The winner gets a sponsored trek to Bhrigu Lake! Indiahikes will handle all expenses from Manali to Manali.

The winner also gets goodies sponsored by Deuter!

We invite you all to submit photo stories to showcase your mountain related experiences whether culture, adventure, wildlife, people or history. The jury is seeking a sequence of 3-5 images that convey a compelling story with each image strong enough to stand on its own while conveying an interesting narrative when viewed in the photographer’s desired sequence. Follow these steps to post your Trek Story:

A post shared by Indiahikes (@indiahikes) on Mar 30, 2017 at 3:26am PDT

The following sample story portrays the lifestyle of the villagers living around the Har Ki Dun trail. Pictures by Ujwal Bala.

41906 1 sankri village har ki dun indiahikes 20k sample 300x199

41906 2 taluka village har ki dun indiahikes 20k sample 300x199

41906 3 sheep near puani garaat har ki dun indiahikes 20k sample 300x199

41906 4 grindstone at seema village har ki dun indiahikes 20k sample 300x199

41906 5 osla village har ki dun indiahikes 20k sample 300x199

Here are the rules to enter the contest:

  • Follow @indiahikes on Instagram.
  • Submit your photo story of 3-5 images in the desired sequence on Instagram (using the ‘multiple’ option).
  • Entries are accepted between 5 pm Thursday, March 30th and 10 pm Friday, April 28th.
  • Tag @indiahikes and mention #MyTrekStory in the caption.
  • Include a brief write-up about your entry in the caption.

The entries will be judged based on the quality of photographs, the depth of the story that they tell and the caption.

NOTE: Entries must be posted from a public account during the challenge period. Old photos cannot be simply tagged. Such entries are not accepted.

Stay tuned to our feed on Instagram for the winner on May 1st!

We can’t wait to see your trek stories. All the best!

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Nikshep Trinetra

About the author

Nikshep Trinetra is a Chemical engineering student at NITK Suratkal. A climbing and trekking enthusiast, he is a Green Trails crusader with Indiahikes.