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May 2016 Blog Contest - Results Out!!

May 2016 Blog Contest - Results Out!!

Category Blog Contest

By Seersha Nambiar


We have had some amazing blogs come in this month with trekkers sharing their beautiful experiences painted in words. Each blog will make you want to go on that trek. Here are two of the best blogs that stole our hearts! Congratulations winners!

Keep trekking, Keep writing!


‘Himalayan Trek: Rupin Pass’ by Manju Shivdasan


White clouds move at a leisurely pace, and they seem to be the only things moving besides us. Everything else is still or subtle. Cool winds blow on and off. Our shadows dance against the white surface of the snow as we kept plodding on.” To read more, click here.

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Runner Up

‘Roopkund: The Lake of the Dead’ by Sheibban Pervez

“As I closed my eyes to sleep, I remembered the past few days and slept away with a huge smile on my face. I believe that despite how different we might be or from where we come, at the core of our being lies the spirit of Humanity. I came for a trek, I learnt about life instead.” To read on, click here.

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Congratualtions Manju and Sheibban! We loved all the entries and will share them on our website soon!

We also had a photo contest in May. To see the winners, click here.

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Seersha Nambiar

About the author

Having studied business management, Seersha worked as a financial analyst for a year. But having been brought up close to nature, she took to the outdoors and turned towards travel writing.