Roopkund: A photo story of mountain moods

Roopkund: A photo story of mountain moods

Category Photo Story

By Arvind Kumar N


Arvind Kumar. N takes his photography as a hobby to new heights by conducting a basic photography workshop and sharing with us some astonishing photos he captured during his trek to Roopkund in May 2014.

Inspired by my brother and having started as a passionate hobby, I endeavour to become a Professional Photographer. According to me, no place is boring, if you have a good night’s sleep and a DSLR in hand. To me, travel and photography go hand in hand and hence, the former has also been an inspiration for the latter. I am not a gadget guy. I use a very basic entry level DSLR Canon 1100D and very basic lenses 18-55, 55-250 and a 50mm f/1.8. I believe that composition, exposure knowledge and having an eye for photography make your pictures unique and enjoyable. That’s why I repeatedly tell people that we can do wonders even with a point and shoot camera or a mobile phone camera. Here a glimpse of Roopkund through my lens:

The Twilight Beauty:

The Trekker:

The Blush:

This was shot while I went for a walk around the most beautiful village I have ever seen – Didna Village. This picture reveals two vital elements:

  • ‘The blush’ – People living here are not exposed to the city life. When I asked her if I could take a picture of her, she approved with this million dollar blush.
  • ‘The simplicity’- Her clothes and shoes are simple. The life here is also simple and happier with more values to family and relationships. Their life is pristine sans gadgets.

The Reflection:

The Happiness:

The Camp:

The Lonely trekker:

The Joy:

The Will Power:

The Kids:

The Rest:

The Vacation:

The Fire:

The Feast:

The Sunset:

Here’s a glimpse of the ‘Basic Photography Workshop’ I conducted

Day 1:

Day 2:

Day 3: