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Rupin-Summer-2013 Photo Contest

Rupin-Summer-2013 Photo Contest

Category Photo Contest

By Sandhya UC


The contest results are out !  The top three winning photos are below. Our Judge Srinivasa Prasath shares with you why the pictures turned up winners. Post your comments below.


First Prize: Deepika

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L S Prasath, our judge votes Deepika’s picture a winner for her perfectly timed shot of the camp with rainbow. Rainbow here is certainly adding flavors to the already beautiful “U” shaped Rupin landscape. Even the alignment of people within the frame helps in slowly traversing the eyes from foreground to background, towards the rainbow. The soft light in the scene is adding a magical glow to the landscape. Overall grabs no. 1 for capturing the essence of the scene beautifully!. Deserves to be first!”


Second Prize: Rahul


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Our judge votes Rahul Agarwal’s picture a winner for beautifully capturing the portrait of an old lady. Travel portraits are very important in telling the story about the place we visit, people belonging to that place and the nature of their living, lifestyle etc. Here Rahul has perfectly captured the emotions of an old lady from a remote Himalayan village in a beautiful side-lighting condition. Exposure is perfectly balanced and the details of wrinkles on her face are beautifully brought out by the soft diffused light. The idea of filling the frame completely with her face has worked well in revealing her facial details and her tribal ear accessories. Eyes placed on the thirds are grabbing the attention as required. Overall no. 2 for pulling out a classic travel portrait out of this innocently smiling old lady.


Third Prize: Suhas

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Suhas bags the third place for freezing a lighter moment during the trek. His picture of a swinging man immediately registers a happy and relaxing mood into the minds of the viewers. Positioning of the subject is also spot-on with respect to landing point inside the frame. Swinging into the frame automatically ensures the viewer is directed into the beautiful background. Exposure is neat, maintaining the details on the sky and the man. Depth is perfect. Overall no.3 for registering a happy moment and making the viewers crave for being there and experience a fun moment like that! says Srivasa Prasath



Here are the shortlisted 15 best photos of the Rupin Pass trek. Trekkers were asked to submit their best photos from the trek for the contest.


Our Judge L S Prasath will now run through these photos and choose one among them as the winner. Before the judge chooses, tell us which of these photos deserve the best photo award (use the comments box below).


The photographs selected here are in random order. The numbers attributed to the photos are to identify the photographer and does not denote any ranking by Indiahikes. Use the number and the name of the person to make your comments. Please click on the photo to view the enlarged image.



A note from Indiahikes:


The winners get the following awards from Indiahikes.


The winner of the photo contest gets a Rs 5,000 Trek Voucher from Indiahikes.

Rs 2,500

Rs 1,000

About our Judge:


Our Judge – Srinivasa Prasath is a trekker, traveller and a freelance photographer. A software programmer by profession, he loves to travel length and breadth of this country to document its beauty,  diverse lifestyle and culture of the people. When he takes a break from his mundane life, he simply hangs out in the higher shelves of Himalayas, totally relaxing in the lap of Mother nature. You can find his work here


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1-Photographer: Chandra Dhayalan

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2-Photographer: Deepika

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3-Photographer: Harsha


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4-Photographer: Karan

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5-Photographer: Kaustubh

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6-Photographer: Kaustubh

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7-Photographer: Nitin Kadam


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8-Photographer: Nitin Kadam

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9-Photographer: Rahul Agrawal

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10-Photographer: Saswata

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11-Photographer: Subhash Agarwal


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12-Photographer: Suhas

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13-Photographer: Suhas


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14-Photographer: Suhas


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15-Photographer: Sumit Garg



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Sandhya UC

Co-Founder & COO

About the author

Sandhya is a founding partner at Indiahikes. Over the past ten years, she has explored and put on the map few of the greatest Himalayan treks in India, including Kashmir Great Lakes and Kedarkantha. She is a TedX Speaker and has been awarded the Women of Worth Award by Outlook Business in 2017.

She believes in sustainable living just as she believes in sustainable trekking.

Read a feature on Sandhya in Outlook Business

Read Sandhya's other articles

Read Sandhya's TedX Talk
How I Climbed The Mountain Of Entrepreneurship