Latest Updates: Snowfall At Brahmatal, Kuari, Dayara, Deoriatal & ...

Latest Updates: Snowfall At Brahmatal, Kuari, Dayara, Deoriatal & Kedarkantha!

Category News

By Aditya Shankar


W hile temperatures are surging in the rest of the country, our winter treks continue to delight trekkers. Almost all our treks had fresh snowfall in the last two days, giving trekkers a grand snow experience!

In fact, this picture of a little trekker running around in snow filled us with delight!

Here are detailed updates and pictures from the week gone by.


After last week’s showers (Read last week’s update here to know more), it snowed again at Brahmatal. All our recent batches have experienced fresh snow on this trek. Our newest campsite – Tilbudi was covered in a carpet of snow. Trekkers refused to go inside their tents as they indulged in snow fights! Many trekkers saw snow for the first time.

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The Tilbudi campsite covered with snow, as the morning sun lights up the place. Picture by Trek Leader Dr Varun Sharma

Kuari Pass

Our Trek Leader Ashwin says that it snowed relentlessly on this trek. The entire trail from Khullara to Chitrakantha/Tali was buried under a foot of snow. Trekkers experienced good snow on 3 days of the trek. Surprisingly the views were clear and the trekkers got the best of both worlds – good snowfall and breathtaking views.

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The beautiful Khullara campsite on the Kuari Pass trek. Picture by Trek Leader Ashwin

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Snow covers the Khullara campsite and the pine forests at Kuari Pass. Picture by Trek Leader Ashwin

Dayara Bugyal

One of India’s best meadow treks showed trekkers its snowy avatar this week. Trek Leader Yash Choudhari tells us it snowed non-stop for nearly 24 hours and the brown-green meadows were blanketed in white. The weather wasn’t intense as trekkers made their way through soft snowflakes and played to their heart’s content. Check out few photos shared by Yash, below:

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The Dayara campsite dawns the white snowy colour. Picture by Trek Leader Yash Choudhari

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Another view of the Dayara campsite during morning hours. Picture by Trek Leader Yash Choudhari

Deoriatal Chandrashila trek

This is another one in the list of treks that got snow this week. Our Trek Leader Naada Nag sent us this information last night:

“Weather was clear for the first 2 days – though mornings and evenings have been very chilly. On the summit day – morning weather got cloudy and in the evening we had frequent rains mixed with hailstones. On the morning of 22nd March we had snowfall at the Chopta campsite.”

If you are headed there now, there is a high possibility that you will see snow since it has snowed in Chopta for the third week consecutively.

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Early morning snowfall starts at the Chopta campsite. Pictue By: Naada Nag

Kedarkantha trek

As is customary for this trek – Kedarkantha saw snowfall starting from Pukhrola to the summit. There were frequent rains for the last 2 days at Gaichwan Gaon and snow at the higher reaches, but the weather has now become clear and sunny.

With bad network up there, we haven’t been able to get our hands on pictures. But we’re sure Kedarkantha is picture-perfect as usual.

Night temperatures are expected to continue below Zero degrees and hence we recommend all trekkers to pad up few extra layers of warm clothing. Read this article as a guide for layering up for a winter trek. You can also prepare yourself by reading about 6 Hacks to tackle the Himalayan Winter.

Readying Ourselves For Our Treks In Nepal

A couple of our Trek Leaders and Managers have left to Nepal to set up the ABC and EBC treks. Our first team of trekkers to Annapurna Base Camp is leaving on March 26th. The Everest Base Camp team leaves on March 31st. We wish all trekkers the best of luck!

Meanwhile, here’s a picture of Dhansingh, our Trek Manager from Sari, the base camp of the Deoriatal trek. It’s his first international flight. He’s happier than the other person in the picture!

Speed Trekking to Brahmatal and back in 5 hours!

If you’re an average trekker like me, you wouldn’t believe this headine above. But it is surprisingly true. Our mountain boys – Trek Leader Karthik Maddineni and Trek Manager Mahi Bisht completed the entire Brahmatal trek from Lohajung and back in 5 hours 5 minutes.

A fresh morning tea and some conversation prompted these guys to achieve this feat in unbelievable time. To put things into perspective the trek is 22 km long and has a 4,500 ft of altitude gain and loss.

These numbers go on to show the stamina of our Trek Leaders. Don’t try this on your own if you’re not experienced enough or properly acclimatized to such high altitudes.

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Trek Leader Karthik stands at the Brahmatal Top. Picture by Mahi Bisht

New posts on the website

For those of you who cannot keep a track of the ever-increasing number of articles on our website – I am introducing a small section in the weekly update to easily track and read our latest articles. This week we had some really useful articles ranging from budgeting your treks to keeping your trek shoes clean. Take a sneak look at them below:

1. How to Budget your Everest Base Camp Trek: Do you have the Everest Base Camp Trek on your bucket list? Have you always wondered how to manage your expenses for it in a foreign land with a foreign currency? If yes, this article is for you.

2. How to Budget your Annapurna Base Camp Trek: If you wish to cover the Annapurna Base Camp Trek, here’s a detailed article where we have demystified the expenses and given you an estimate of per day costs involved.

3. A 5-step ritual for increasing the shelf life of your trekking shoes: Our Trek Leader Venkat Ramanan has put together five supremely useful tips to take care of your shoes after your trek. Make sure you read this article.

That’s it from us this week. Have any idea/comments for this article – we would love to hear about it in the Comments section below.

What you should do now

1.. If you want to work with us: Head over to our careers page. We have lots of positions open. We also have lots of applications coming in. So the sooner you apply, the better.

2. If you think this article might be useful for your friends: Share it on FacebookTwitter or Whatsapp.

3. If you ended up here by chance and were actually looking for treks to do: Then head over to our upcoming treks page. You’ll find all our Himalayan treks there.

4. If you want to see the 13 best treks of India: Then get our guide here.

Aditya Shankar

About the author

Aditya Shankar is a Content Manager at Indiahikes. Prior to this job he worked as a Business Consultant for 3 years. His love for the written world and the great outdoors eventually brought him home at Indiahikes. A conversationalist at heart and soul, you can reach him at