NEXT School Begins Another Thrilling High-Altitude Adventure with Indi...
NEXT School Begins Another Thrilling High-Altitude Adventure with Indiahikes!
Category News
By Latika Payak
60 students from NEXT School travelled all the way from Mumbai to Uttarakhand for an Outdoor Leadership Programme on the Kuari Pass trek with Indiahikes. They started their trek this morning.
These students are between the ages of 11-16 years. This is the second time students from NEXT School are participating in an experiential learning program on a Himalayan trek.
Last time, 73 students from NEXT School participated in a similar program conducted on the Ali Bedni Bugyal trek in November 2022.
“At the end of the Ali Bedni Bugyal trek, we witnessed transformational changes in the students. We observed students becoming more resilient, better able to face challenges and more accustomed to hardships. They developed inner confidence and became mentally stronger,” shares Izzat Yaganagi, Head of Experiential Learning at Indiahikes.
We are expecting a similar impact from the current experiential learning programme too.
We’re noticing more schools stepping out into the Himalayas to participate in such programmes. It shows an incredible shift in how schools in our country are embracing outdoor learning experiences.
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